Alumnos con Evaluaciones Suspensas
Si has suspendido una evaluación puedes no tener que hacer el examen extraordinario. Mira abajo en cada evaluación lo que hay que hacer.
Si has suspendido dos o tres evaluaciones tienes que hacer los trabajos que vienen abajo en cada evaluación y el examen extraordinario. Ponte en contacto conmigo lo antes posible. Mira a abajo mi correos.
El examen se hará en el Aula Virtual del instituto. En caso de ser pocos alumnos será un examen oral.
Para poder acceder al Aula Virtual a hacer el examen, tienes que tener usuario y contraseña.
El usuario y la contraseña se os porporcionó a principio de curso. Si lo has perdido, se la tienes que volver a solicitar a Javier Prieto, secretario y profesor de música.
Es vuestra responsabilidad tener usuario y contrase˜a. No se solventarán problemas de usuario y contraseña después del viernes 19 de junio.
Alumnos con la Tercera Evaluación Suspensa
Para aprobar sólo hay que hacer BIEN todos los trabajos de la tercera evaluación. Deadline: June 21st
Estoy a vuestra disposición para solventar dudas. Me podéis escribir para pedirme el móvil si no lo tenéis.
Sólo contesto en estas direcciones:
Alumnos con la Segunda Evaluación Suspensa
Tenéis que hacer estos cuadernillo:
Rellenad la siguiente tabla:
Magnitud | Símbolo de la Magnitud | Unidad | Símbolo de la Unidad | Fórmula | Aparato |
Tensión | | | | | |
Intensidad | | | | | |
Resistencia | | | | | |
Potencia | | | | | |
Energía | | | | | |
Tema 3. La electrónica Deadline: June 21st
Los capítulos 5 y 7 no hay que leerlos.
Hacer los ejercicios: 1,2,4 y 6
Tema4. Plásticos Deadline: June 21st
Alumnos con la Primera Evaluación Suspensa
Tenéis que hacer los siguientes cuadernillos:
Alumnos con la Asignatura Aprobada
You have passed, congratulations.
Activities for these last days. We will go on doing apps. Please, see down below
Mobile apps with app inventor
Steps to start programming your own apps
Now we will do the exercise. if you did not do the first example, I reccomend to do it before this one.
This is an step to step guide to create your second app, the exercise for these last days.
We are going to creat an app which talks to me. Go into the App inventor page downwards there is a link to "talk to me".
Follow the instructions, in video or pdf, and make the app.
After having done the app, you have to send it to me
Basic Points
Everyone should have their OWN mail. If someone does not have one, get in touch with me, so I can help you
I need to know who DOES NOT have:
If you have a computer, you should load LibreOffice. Don't know how? get in touch with me
If you have a PC, you should do your homework with LibreOffice, unless otherwise indicated
I will speak with each person who does not have a PC to tell them how to do their homework
Homework should be mailed BEFORE last date. I will not take any work sent later than that day, unless previously written about it
Internet has the answer about nearly everything. Before asking, seek for an answer in the Internet
Homework - Updated: May, 28th
Mobile apps with app inventor
This activity is NOT compulsory, it will be used to raise the final calification
App inventor is a powerful development environment for Google apps online.
Its main advantage: You do not need to install anything on your computer, nor to follow complex configuration instructions. Just register on the development
portal and start creating your own apps.
Steps to start programming your own apps
You have to register in the AppInventor web site
You need an Android smartphone and a PC connected to the internet through the same Wi-Fi network.
(Optional but highly recommended, as it makes things much easier). Install a QR code reader on your Smartphone. Since QR codes are used to install the apps.
(Optional, but highly recommended, as it makes app testing much easier). Install the free MIT AI2 companion app on your smartphone.
Go to the App Inventor page click on the create button in the upper right corner to register and create your first app.
Deadline: June 9th, Tuesday, 14:00 h
This is an step to step guide to create your first app, the exercise for these last days link
After having done the app, you have to send it to me
We will begin by remembering what we already learnt in 1st and 2nd course of ESO.
In the following link you may find a booklet with exercises.
Solve the exercises writing them in a LibreOffice writer document. Deadline: April 27th, 14:00
Add a fontwork with the title: 3D Design
Add titles for each exercise/part
Modify the style of titles
Add an automatic table of contents
Store the document as ApellidoNombre3D.odt
Send me the document
Once this done we will begin to use OPENSCAD, a free 3D design tool. We will follow this page.
Load the program in your computer. Deadline: April 27th, 14:00
Do exercise 1 and send it to me.Deadline: May 4th, 14:00
Do exercise 2 and 3. Send them to me.Deadline: May 11th, 14:00
IMPORTANT for PEOPLE who do NOT have PC. You are going to use another program, which is online, you can use it from the mobile. It is called SketchUp, previously it was part of google apps, as Google SkethUp. You don´t have to download anything, and it is free. We will use the web of another teacher, Pedro Landin, for this part. Please go to Pedro landin´s web page.
Sign in to Sketchup. Send me the id.Deadline: April 27th, 14:00
Read Pedro Landin´s Introduction, on the web page. Just do it, don´t send anything. Deadline: April 27th, 14:00
Read Pedro Landin´s summary on design with computers. Read the part of the document until exercises begin. Just do it, don´t send anything. Deadline: April 27th, 14:00
Do exercise 1, on Pedro landin´s web page:
Store the file obtained as ApellidoNombre3x_P1 and its file type.
Send me the file obtained. Deadline: May 4th, 14:00
Do exercise 2 on Pedro landin´s web page:
Store the file obtained as ApellidoNombre3x_P2 and its file type.
Send me the file obtained. Deadline: May 11th, 14:00
Do exercise 3 on Pedro landin´s web page:
Store the file obtained as ApellidoNombre3x_P3 and its file type.
Send me the file obtained. Deadline: May 18th, 14:00
IMPORTANT: If you don't have cardboard at home, don't do the chair. Downwards there are other options
Cardboard Chair
We are going to build a cardboard chair. Deadline: May 25th, 14:00
Follow these instructions and build the chair.
- Do a presentation, in libreOffice impress, explaining how you built the chair:
Create a new presentation
Create a new template, in the presentation
Modify the template:
Modify the color of the background or add an image
Modify the color, the font and the typographical effects of the title
Do several slides:
One with the title, and empty one
One explaining what you are doing, of title and two contents. In one of the contents insert ( DO NOT COPY) an image of a chair
One explaining where you found the idea
One explaining how you did it
One with title and several contents. In one of them the image of the chair alone. In the others, at least, you seated on the chair, and another person (or a pet) , seated on the chair
Modify transitions of slides
Animate, at least, one element of each slide
Save it as ApellidoNombreChair and its type of file
Send it to my mail
In case you can't do it with LibreOffice Impress, but you have a computer, do it with PowerPoint. The template is called there "documento maestro", or "diapositiva maestra", or "master slide". The way of working is quite similar, you will have to investigate by yourself
In case you can´t do it with a computer, call me, please
Useful Object with Recycled Toillet Paper Tubes or Bottles
Get into the internet and look for a useful idea to do with recycled toillet paper tubes or bottles which you have at home
Do a presentation as explained on the cardboard chair. Follow the same steps